Heather and her companion saw the fruit of the labors this weekend as Oscar, the young single dad they have been teaching, was baptized. He has proposed to his girlfriend Erika, who is a member, and so they are working towards the Temple and being a forever family. Heather said Oscar bore his testimony after the baptism and it was powerful. He told how Erika had been trying for two years to get him to take the missionary discussions, but it wasn't until he met Sisters Frodsham and Burton that he felt the Spirit. Mission President Bennion made a few remarks at the baptism and expressed how much Oscar will add to the Bay Shore ward. After they are married, Oscar and Erika will live in Oscar's home in Bay Shore. Incidentally, his daughter Jennifer and her friend are now taking the lessons.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oscar Gets Baptized
Posted by Bill Burton at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Oscar and His Family
This is Oscar's family (well, almost). His fiance Erika and Oscar's two kids, Jennifer and Chris. This is a very special time for them and a big step for Oscar.
Posted by Bill Burton at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Danielle, a young woman in the Bay Shore Ward, baked and decorated this really cool Choose The Right (CTR) cake for Oscar's baptism. It is really special and shows some real talent!
Posted by Bill Burton at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Happy Birthday To You.....
Today is Heather's birthday. We really wish we could be there with her, but you can't always have everything you want. So we asked Sister DePaula to give her a big hug for us. She said she would, and Heather said in her last letter that the district is going to go to lunch to celebrate her birthday. Sis. D also said that Heather had a "big box," so hopefully her birthday got there okay. We are very proud of our girl and thrilled that she is serving the Lord. It's something she's wanted most of her life, and we are happy beyond words that she has the opportunity to accomplish this. Hope everyone sends Heather birthday wishes; you can email her at hmburton@myldsmail.com. She can't email you back, since this is for her to send mail to her family, but she can sure read 'em (on Mondays, but better late than never, right?) and she'll be excited to hear from you.
Posted by Bill Burton at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
From the Home Front...
While Heather is busily knocking on doors on Long Island, there is another event that is almost here that I want to brag, I mean blog, about. Heather's brother Jared is just about to graduate from college. He will be receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Communications - Electronic Production Emphasis from Dixie State College on May 1st. This is a tremendous accomplishment for Jared, because he has, except for his freshman year, earned it all himself. He took his dismal high school record and turned it into a real accomplishment at college, where he is carrying a 3.5 gpa towards his last day. The picture was taken at Heather's missionary open house. The thing on his head is a centerpiece showing the New York skyline. He actually looks a lot better than this, usually, but I just couldn't resist this picture. And yes, that's proud papa in the background. Laughing.
Posted by Bill Burton at 1:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He Is Not Here, For He Is Risen
Today is Easter. Today we celebrate the most important event in the history of the world, the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This ultimate event affects every man, woman and child who has lived, is living, or will live on the earth, for as the Savior told Mary at Lazarus' tomb, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
May the blessings of the Lord be with you this Easter day and throughout the coming year.
Posted by Bill Burton at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
P-Day is a day of, well, see for yourself.
P-Day (Preparation Day) is a day to rest, do laundry, and have a little break from regular mission life. Usually the district has some kind of activity to see the area and have a little fellowship with each other. And sometimes, it's just for some fun.
And everyone has a camera... for which parents are grateful!
Posted by Bill Burton at 8:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Things are going well...
Heather and Sister Frodsham are working hard and teaching lots of people. She has been going through the usual period of homesickness that all missionaries get when they've been out about two months, but she said she's "hanging in." They have regular district conferences, and these pictures are from that little event. The first is their refreshment break, and you can plainly see our Heather is still our Heather. Click on the picture to see the full size, and you'll be able to see what I mean!
The other shows the five sister missionaries in the Bay Shore District; Heather, Sister F., Sister De Paula (Senior missionary), Sister Sellars, and Sister Brimhall. Long Island has actually been having better weather than Utah, for which we're grateful.
Just as a reminder, if you want to send Heather mail, send it to:
Sister Heather Burton
85-69 60th Drive
Elmhurst, NY 11373
She sends her love to everybody.
Posted by Bill Burton at 8:30 AM 1 comments