Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's New...

It's been an interesting couple of weeks since the last post from Bay Shore. Sister B. is keeping busy (aside from a brief bout with bronchitis) and still being Sister B!

Me and Sister Calderon. This is what you call "companionship!
One of the less-actives we visit has BIRDS! They are a lot of fun... if they don't poop on your shoulder...
Sister Calderon pumping gas!

This is the result of trying to take a picture in the mirror! But it shows a "pad hug" anyway!
And this, ladies and gentlemen, demonstrates what happens when Sister Brown puts aluminum foil-wrapped goodie in microwave.
Makes a MESS!
She is the resident wacko in our pad. Everybody has one... or two...
It seems really weird to have such a short time left! I only have 56 days left! Sister Sorenson "counted down" for me last week!